Thursday, June 30, 2011

"To whom will you liken me, that I should be compared? says the Holy One" (Isaiah 40:25)

It's amazing how the "soldier" within me rose up today as my childhood friend compared some religion (I won't say which one) to the Almighty God (who is filled with awesomeness), Jehovah. Inwardly, my whole being was like "WHAT?? You don't know what you're saying!!". I took this specific situation and dissected it.

What can lead someone, who has been saved since they were a child, to find delight in something over God?
My guess, darkness and lack of satisfaction.

We were all made for God. And because of this He has put eternity in our heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11) so that NOTHING is capable of satisfying us but the Eternal God Himself. We will NEVER be satisfied until Christ and the Church becomes our life. We truly don't get it man. We were made for this ^. Whether we believe it or not, nothing else will do.

God is no stranger to the things we deal with in our every day life. He is no stranger to our thoughts, struggles,etc. We think He is though lol. We think he doesn't know anything! Be REAL with God!!! We don't have to be fake with Him. He knows all things! Praise the Lord for this truth because I am soooooo tired of acting like something I am not; acting like everything is all good with me AND IT JUST AIN'T. I need God to get all involved in the DEEPEST HIDDEN part of my being. People...We can tell God EXACTLY how we feel about certain things.

 I would like to tell my friend: Be REAL with how you feel girl. If you are starting to not believe God isn't real TELL HIM THAT. If you are not satisfied with Christianity and don't understand the bible TELL GOD THAT. If you are considering to search for answers in other places TELL THE LORD THAT TOO. Challenge God. He says in Isaiah 44:6 "I am the First and the Last, and apart from Me there is no God". Tell Him to prove Himself to you. God prove to her in a real way that You are the only God and You cannot be compared to anything else. He is sure to answer!

On that note, I would like to end this with Isaiah 44:8 "Is there a God besides Me? Or is there any other Rock? I do not know of any". With everything within me I can declare with assurance JEHOVAH GOD, THERE IS NO OTHER GOD BESIDES YOU!!!